Friday, 26 July 2019


The cursed one, Emperor of near misses
Darkened luck, goons of eclipses
Withered Rose, lushless parlances
Perennial underachiever, disappointment no longer amazes.

The written letters, lot was all missing
Crying cellulars, the most kept wailing
Pivot dates, an end to no waiting
Against willpower, hope slowly withering

All around him ashes and cloud
Ashes over his fire, the things he’s gone through
Cloud ruling his mindly eyes, days to live through
Just when he thought about the cloud

Meteorite struck him, knocked off his doubt
360 degrees, turning him inside out
Enliven hope, making love sprout
Parallel direction, new love route

A dashing Ibo lady, came for his hands
Making love grow on the heart that’s gone bald
Making his dry lips drip her own
Whispering into his ears, words commanding the hormone

As time passes, they sat on the wreckage of the meteorite
Concocting a future so bright
With a supernatural being, unequalled in might
As the reality dons on me, I went back to Grief.

 (C) 2018