The Wild West, aka the Old West, was an astoundingly awesome period in
American history that every person who has ever played Red Dead
Redemption wants to emulate. Now, clearly pop culture has turned
much of the true West into legend.
Many a great people have claimed association or connection to the west. Be it movie stars,music stars especially rappers,sheriffs and the list goes on and on. The west in their minds is a place that places them among the most powerful, toughest, sharp survival instinct, the richest,the most commanding and the most respected small elite class of specially gifted people.Though there were never quick-draw artists who could shoot a six gun out of your hand with another six gun. #This reminds me of my friend RANGO# But the basics were true.
I once had a connection with the west,though not what you think. I met a lady,*coughs* she was sooooooooooooooooooooo..................................................................... let the poem explain who she was and her challenges.
Happy Reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Towards the tail of teens,
so beautiful yeah really really tempting,
dainty body in yellow and green,
thought she could do everything,
but he would never allow her to live up the dreams.
That singled her out among her pears,
never shouts or screams,
rather as silent as grave.
Let me quickly tell you about her,
striving to improve
so that she would never be disapproved
so beautiful yeah really really tempting,
dainty body in yellow and green,
thought she could do everything,
but he would never allow her to live up the dreams.
That singled her out among her pears,
never shouts or screams,
rather as silent as grave.
Let me quickly tell you about her,
striving to improve
so that she would never be disapproved