Saturday, 27 August 2016


SOME DAYS............

Some days are better than others
Some days you won't be able to get up
Some days the weight of life will press you down
Some days you won't be able to stop the tears
Some days life will seem unlivable

Some days heaven will fall
Some days no one will be there
Some days comfort will elude you

Some days pain will be constant
Some days you'll be heartbroken
Some days...

But I want you to know
That that's not all
That life isn't always bleak
That pain isn't always constant
That you can smile through the tears
That life can hold both pain and joy
It's a choice you have to make
It's not always easy
Nor is it always fair
But life has a way of giving you silver linings at the end of the clouds
It might not look like it now 
but you'll survive it
You can and you will

You'll have to pick yourself up though
To smile when you don't want to
To find joy in little things
To be strong for yourself
No one else can do that
Just you
This pain isn't forever
Not if you don't let it
And you won't,
You can't




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